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  • Do you only provide tree care or do you also remove trees?
    We do both! As a modern and responsible tree care/service company, for every tree remove we plant 10 more!
  • What are some questions I can ask a "Tree Expert" to verify if they understand tree health?
    Basic biology questions such as: "Have you ever heard of Cambium?" "Have you ever heard of Stomata?" If the person is providing a "Risk assessment" knowing what this means is key to provide a good assessment. "What's lignin and cellulose?" Answers: Cambium is the thin layer of tissue found between the xylem and phloem in trees. It's responsible for the annual growth rings seen in tree trunks. Stomata are tiny cells on the underside of leaves that regulate gas exchange and water vapor loss through transpiration in trees. Lignin and cellulose are important materials that make up the walls of plant cells. Lignin acts like rebar, providing structural support and stiffness, while cellulose acts like cement, offering flexibility and strength in plant cell walls. A trained knowledgeable Certified Arborist will be able to easily answer this questions.
  • I see other companies are "Certified Tree Experts" or "Certified Tree Professionals". Is that the same as a Certified Arborist?
    No. The best way to verify if they are Certified by a credited organization is to ask for a Certification ID and the name of the organization that certified them (Not their state business license). The only credited organization that certifies for a Certified Arborist is the "International Society of Arborist". You may verify certification through the ISA (International society of arborist) website to confirm certification.
  • Are estimates free?
    Yes. We provide free estimates over the phone or email. How does this work you may ask? To speed up the estimating process, we will need 3 pictures from the tree(s) in question! After contacting us and sending images, we will provide you with a broad estimate figure in minutes. NOT DAYS OR HOURS. You may send these images via text or email at: (724)461-1483 Site Visit We may then set up an appointment to provide you with a "fixed price quote". Our site visit fee is $39 that is refunded as a credit if you would decide to move forward with the job. So if you end up hiring us, the site visit is free! Our quotes are valid for 21 days. WHAT!? Why is there quoting fee? Almost everyone provides free estimates. Well... There are a lot of resources that are spent in a site visit. Every site visit requires a minimum of 2 hours, fuel, wear and tear on personnel and vehicles. These resources and materials that are spent when driving out to the property to assess your project cost us much more than our $39 fee! We do provide free estimates. Our estimates are much faster and more convenient than what other competitors provide, we'll provide a range estimate by phone or email so you may know the approximate cost for your project. And also... When you call us, you're not just contacting another tree company. You're reaching out to a friendly, customer-focused team dedicated to making your experience as stress-free and pleasant as possible. Look at our reviews, we guarantee it.. Makes sense right? Let's get started!
  • Are you insured?
    A good question to ask any tree service provider. Yes we are insured up to 1 million dollars on every type of tree service offered.
  • Do you accept credit cards?
    Yes. We do accept all major providers.
  • Do you price match?
    Service based companies operate very differently from retail based businesses. Our prices are set based on the amount of time, skill, equipment and quality delivered. We completely understand that price plays a big role in your decision-making process. While we strive to offer competitive rates, we encourage you to consider other important factors beyond just the initial cost. Things like: customer service reputation company safety practices cleanliness reliability Consider these other factors when making your decision. After all if something does go wrong, you might want to be working with someone that's easy to work with. We can always adjust the scope of work to best fit your budget! Check out our different tiers of service we offer in our service pages.
  • Can you top my tree?
    Unfortunately no. And you wouldn't want to either. Topping leads to unhealthy trees and high maintenance costs. There are better ways to manage tree safety other than "topping". Please review this article from the ISA explaining the dangers of this popular practice and other alternatives: Why topping hurts trees. Exercise caution when a company offers to "top" your tree. NO company that understands and provides tree care will ever offer or advertise topping.
  • Is that you guys in the pictures and videos?
    Yup! That's all us :) All images and videos are us taken from previous jobs we've completed. No stock images.
  • How far do you service?
    Anywhere within a 45 min range from Murrysville. Click here to see a list of service locations:
  • Are you guys just as cool as your website?
    Yeah! Jose built this website himself, and sprinkled his personality all over it can't you see!? Jose leads every job and has a dream team of other Arborist.
  • How much does tree removal cost?
    There are many factors that have to be considered first to be able to provide you with a price. However, we are happy to provide you with averages. Check out our section on "Tree Removals" or other types of tree services, to find more info on pricing 😁.
  • Are you guys the cheapest guys in around?
    No 😅 and you wouldn't be happy if we were! Being the cheapest in town means MANY corners must be cut to provide a low price service. Quality- Doing the job right, will always take more time, knowledge and care than just going into the job without a plan, care or respect for your tree and property. Safety- Being safe will always take more time. Equipment- Equipment required frequent maintenance and insurance Team- Being the cheapest provider means that the team helping in getting the job done is not being compensated fairly for their hard work. You and your property deserve a high quality service, why undercut yourself?
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